Blessed Year Lyrics by Tim Godfrey Ft Vin Mokay

Get the lyrics for “Blessed Year” by  Tim Godfrey and Vin Mockay. You can also download the lyrics PDF file below for offline learning purpose.


This year I no go beg at all
(Oh nooooo!)

I no go beg at all
Everything don set my Joy is sure
(My joy is sure)
I go dey waka like the son of Odogwu
Everyday my blessings go boku
(E go Boku)
I no go need to dey explain
My evidence go dey

I will never ever fail
This year
Me I no go beg
I no go lack
This year
Everywhere I go
Anything I touched
Is blessed
I’m highly favored
This year

This year I no go beg at all
(Oh nooooo!)
I no go beg at all
Everything don set my Joy is sure
(My joy is sure)
I go Dey waka like the son of Odogwu
Everyday my blessings go Boku
(E go Boku)
I no go need to dey explain
My evidence go dey

Me I cannot wait
To enjoy your blessings
Even when I’m late
My God your mercy
E give me double
Give me plenty
I no need borrow
This year
My life is decided
Everywhere everywhere

I will never ever fail
This year
Me I no go beg
I no go lack
This year
Everywhere I go
Anything I touched
Is Blessed
I’m highly favored
This year

This year I no go beg at all
(Oh nooooo!)
I no go beg at all
Everything don set my Joy is sure
(My joy is sure)
I go Dey waka like the son of Odogwu
Everyday my blessings go boku
(E go Boku)
I no go need to dey explain
My evidence go dey

This year I no go beg at all
(Oh nooooo!)
I no go beg at all
Everything don set my joy is sure
(My joy is sure)
I go Dey waka like the son of Odogwu
Everyday my blessings go boku
(E go Boku)
I no go need to dey explain
My evidence go dey

Listen to the song below.


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