Get the lyrics for “Blessed Year” by Tim Godfrey and Vin Mockay. You can also download the lyrics PDF file below for offline learning purpose.
This year I no go beg at all
(Oh nooooo!)
I no go beg at all
Everything don set my Joy is sure
(My joy is sure)
I go dey waka like the son of Odogwu
Everyday my blessings go boku
(E go Boku)
I no go need to dey explain
My evidence go dey
I will never ever fail
This year
Me I no go beg
I no go lack
This year
Everywhere I go
Anything I touched
Is blessed
I’m highly favored
This year
This year I no go beg at all
(Oh nooooo!)
I no go beg at all
Everything don set my Joy is sure
(My joy is sure)
I go Dey waka like the son of Odogwu
Everyday my blessings go Boku
(E go Boku)
I no go need to dey explain
My evidence go dey
Me I cannot wait
To enjoy your blessings
Even when I’m late
My God your mercy
E give me double
Give me plenty
I no need borrow
This year
My life is decided
Everywhere everywhere
I will never ever fail
This year
Me I no go beg
I no go lack
This year
Everywhere I go
Anything I touched
Is Blessed
I’m highly favored
This year
This year I no go beg at all
(Oh nooooo!)
I no go beg at all
Everything don set my Joy is sure
(My joy is sure)
I go Dey waka like the son of Odogwu
Everyday my blessings go boku
(E go Boku)
I no go need to dey explain
My evidence go dey
This year I no go beg at all
(Oh nooooo!)
I no go beg at all
Everything don set my joy is sure
(My joy is sure)
I go Dey waka like the son of Odogwu
Everyday my blessings go boku
(E go Boku)
I no go need to dey explain
My evidence go dey
Listen to the song below.