MUSIC: CalledOut Music – Favour (Mp3 Download, Lyrics)

Popular American gospel singer and songwriter, CalledOut Music has released another amazing new track titled Favour”. listen and download below!

Download Favour Mp3 by CalledOut Music.


Video: Favour by CalledOut Music.

Favour Mp3 Download & Lyrics by


Favour Lyrics by CalledOut Music.

Oshe – This life i’m living Omo no be by power
Mogbe! – Where would I be if not for You my Daddy
it’s all by Your grace that I’m here today
I know for sure there’s so much more

I can see over the horizon
I can see the sun rising
everything, everything is gonna work in my favour
Over the horizon
I can see the sun rising
everything, everything is gonna work for my good

Verse 2
Doesn’t matter what I been through
Doesn’t matter what happened
if Jehovah is involved
i’ll be okay for sure
pounds and dollar, no wahala
If they Holla, I go tell them say
my God is a good God (Yes He Is)

I can see over the horizon
I can see the sun rising
everything, everything is gonna work in my favour
Over the horizon
I can see the sun rising
everything, everything is gonna work for my good

Everywhere I turn I see – favour
they be calling me – favour
every day day day – favour
it’s gonna work for my good (x2)


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